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Amber Arnold

Amber Arnold

Tech and Innovation Analyst at Truist

WIT Volunteer Spotlight 

  • Hometown: Atlanta, GA
  • Volunteer Position at WIT? Volunteer Director-WIT Closet
  • How long have you volunteered for WIT? 7 months

Supporting WIT…

Why did you start volunteering with WIT?

As an alumni of WIT’s SMP program, I struggled with how to express my gratitude. No amount of “Thank You’s” and repost on social media would be able to illustrate my appreciation. My experience with WIT has been transformative on both a professional and personal level. I decided to erase all of the branches on my thought map and do what felt natural and organic. It was often the friendly smiles and supportive spirit of WIT’s Volunteers that kept me going and encouraged me to push through. By volunteering, I hope to be that friendly smile and warm embrace that I needed to just keep going!

What do you find most rewarding about volunteering with WIT?

I experience true fulfillment while being of service to others but the most rewarding part of volunteering through WIT is watching the transformations. It is beautiful to witness the moments they finally see what you saw in them all long.

What is your favorite program/event within WIT?

The Single Mothers Program, of course! The trickledown effect on the children and loved ones cared for by the women participating in the SMP is remarkable. Mothers are often the rock and when you strengthen the foundation, the ceiling does not exist.

About our Volunteer…

What about you… What would you like to share that people may not know about you? 

I have always had a very vivid imagination; I often get lost in exploring the ideas and possibilities in my mind. So, if you ever see me at an event…. please know that I am not quiet or shy. I am always eager to hear the ideas and perspectives of others and instinctively curate ways to enhance whatever that may be. One word I use to describe myself is Multiplier!

What 3 traits define you?  Innovative, Empathetic, and Agile

What would be the title of your biography? The Loud Silence: How I used silence as a tool and sometimes a weapon to navigate life.