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Sponsorship Shop



Title Benefits:

Program Involvement/Thought Leadership

  • Immersion Experience: Virtual or In Person hands-on experience with one of our sponsor companies where girls will solve a problem or work as part of a team. Open to all WIT participating in middle school and high school 
  • Career Exploration: Companies explore STEAM topics at Atlanta-area schools with presentations and live demos to ignite young girls’ interest in STEAM
  • Mentoring Panelist Seat: Be a part of the mentoring forums that take place between WIT Campus and WIT Girls. Be a speaker or participate in the planning of these events
  • Job Shadowing (High School Only): Week long summer program where girls get a glimpse into the day to day excitement of a STEAM career

Talent Acquisition

  • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board
    • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like

Brand Awareness

  • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
  • Company recognition in presentation slides
  • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

Request an invoice


Gold Benefits:

Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

  • Career Exploration: Companies explore STEAM topics at Atlanta-area schools with presentations and live demos to ignite young girls’ interest in STEAM
  • Job Shadowing (High School Only): Week long summer program where girls get a glimpse into the day to day excitement of a STEAM career

    Brand Awareness

    • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
    • Company recognition in presentation slides
    • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

    Request an invoice

    WIT campus


    Title Benefits:

    Program Involvement/Thought Leadership

    • Events: Take part in an Onsite Workshop or Virtual Event with our WIT Campus Clubs
    • Career Connection Conference: An exclusive company event offered in the Fall or Spring for all WIT Campus Clubs. Sponsor has the opportunity to host up to an all-day conference at their location or virtually to highlight all areas of their company, open opportunities, and ability to teach hands-on workshop
    • WIT Bridge Panelist Seat: Be a part of the mentoring forums, WIT Bridge, that take place between WIT Campus and WIT Girls. Be a speaker or participate in the planning of these events
    • Group Mentoring: The opportunity for sponsors to select qualified leaders from within their company to mentor small groups with a variety of students from the WIT Campus Clubs.
    • Job Shadowing: A 2-day program where college girls get a glimpse into the day-to-day excitement of a STEAM career

    Talent Acquisition

    • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board
      • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
    • Ability to work with WIT Career ConneXion leaders to fill your intern positions for free

    Brand Awareness

    • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
    • Company recognition in presentation slides
    • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)
    • Company marketing collateral/gift distribution at other program events

    Request an invoice 


    Gold Benefits:

    Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

    • Events: Take part in an Onsite Workshop or Virtual Event with our WIT Campus Clubs
    • Group Mentoring: The opportunity for sponsors to select qualified leaders from within their company to mentor small groups with a variety of students from the WIT Campus Clubs.
    • Job Shadowing: A 2-day program where college girls get a glimpse into the day-to-day excitement of a STEAM career

    Talent Acquisition

    • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
      • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
    • Ability to work with WIT ConneXion leaders to fill your intern positions for free

    Brand Awareness

    • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
    • Company recognition in presentation slides
    • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

    Request an invoice


    Silver Benefits:

    Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

    • Group Mentoring: The opportunity for sponsors to select qualified leaders from within their company to mentor small groups with a variety of students from the WIT Campus Clubs.
    • Job Shadowing: A 2-day program where college girls get a glimpse into the day-to-day excitement of a STEAM career 

      Brand Awareness

      • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
      • Company recognition in presentation slides
      • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

      Request an invoice

      WIT yopros


      Title Benefits:

      Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

      • First choice on event selection
      • Host an Onsite or Virtual Event with our YoPros. Work with the YoPros on organizing an engaging event

      Talent Acquisition

      • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
        • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
      • Ability to work with WIT ConneXion leaders to fill your intern positions for free

      Brand Awareness

      • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
      • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)
      • Article inclusion in the YoPros Monthly Newsletter

      Access to Event & Networking

      • Tickets for a company YoPro Representative to attend YoPros Community Networking Events 

      Request an invoice 


      Gold Benefits:

      Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

      • Host an Onsite or Virtual Event with our YoPros. Work with the YoPros on organizing an engaging event

      Talent Acquisition

      • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
        • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like

      Brand Awareness

      • Company listed on WIT website and link to company website
      • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)
      • Article inclusion in the YoPros Monthly Newsletter

      Access to Event & Networking

      • 3 tickets for a company YoPro Representative to attend YoPros Community Networking Events 

      Request an invoice


      Silver Benefits:

      Brand Awareness

      • Company listed on WIT website and link to company website
      • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)
      • Article inclusion in the YoPros Monthly Newsletter

      Access to Event & Networking

      • 2 tickets for a company YoPro Representative to attend YoPros Community Networking Events 

      Request an invoice

      WIT Technology Uncorked


      Title Benefits:

      Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

      • Partner with WIT in identifying topics of discussion for each event
      • Partner with WIT to explore opportunities to have your company serve as speakers at the events (note:  speakers must be senior leaders with hands on experience with the technology topic)

        Brand Awareness

        • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
        • Logo inclusion on WIT website and Link to company website
        • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 270k, email blasts to our 48k members, website, etc.)
        • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides
        • Ability to place a company banner at each event
        • Logo inclusion on collateral distributed at the event
        • Logo inclusion on selected event specific collateral
        • Partner with WIT on providing opening and closing comments at events

        Talent Acquisition

        • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board (starts at date of invoice) 
          • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like for 12 months

        Access & Networking

        • 5 tickets to each event (must be senior leaders that contribute to technology discussions)

        Request an invoice


        VIP Benefits:

        Program Involvement/Thought Leadership 

        • Partner with WIT in identifying topics of discussion for each event

          Brand Awareness

          • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
          • Logo inclusion on WIT website and Link to company website
          • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 270k, email blasts to our 48k members, website, etc.)
          • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides
          • Ability to place a company banner at each event
          • Logo inclusion on collateral distributed at the event
          • Logo inclusion on selected event specific collateral

          Talent Acquisition

          • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board (starts at date of invoice) 
            • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like for 12 months

          Access & Networking

          • 3 tickets to each event (must be senior leaders that contribute to technology discussions)

          Request an invoice


          Gold Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
          • Logo inclusion on WIT website
          • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides
          • Logo inclusion on collateral distributed at the event

          Talent Acquisition

          • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
            • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like for 12 months

          Access & Networking

          • 2 tickets to each event (must be senior leaders that contribute to technology discussions)

          Request an invoice


          Silver Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
          • Logo inclusion on WIT website
          • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides

          Talent Acquisition

          • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board (starts at date of invoice) 
            • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like for 12 months

          Access & Networking

          • 1 ticket to each event (must be senior leaders that contribute to technology discussions)

          Request an invoice

          WIT Single Mothers’ Program


          Doctorate Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • Executive quote and company boilerplate within 1 press release submitted through Cision, potential audience of 10.5 Million
          • 3 Exclusive Social Media Posts highlighting your company and its sponsorship of the SMP Program. *WIT has more than 300,000 followers on LinkedIn alone
          • 2 Company Feature Videos promoting your company brand along with your partnership of the SMP Program
          • WIT Marketing Department creates 1-2 pieces of custom collateral branded with your company design for internal/external use
          • Once your company hires graduates of the program, additional social media campaigns are created to promote company brand and initiatives 
          • Ability to submit company articles/news for WIT to cross-promote across social media pages

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to participate in the interviewing process to select candidates for this program
          • Opportunity to mentor 
          • Opportunity to hire 5 Single Mothers 
          • Opportunity to be a speaker at a single mother’s event
          • 3 tickets to attend graduation
          • Opportunity to attend/assist with in-person Single Mother events during a semester (Equipment Distribution/Meet & Greets)


          • Investment covers: tuition, childcare, lunch, professional development workshops, transportation, laptops, & books for 5 Single Mothers

          Request an invoice


          Master’s Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • Logo placement on 10+ pieces of event collateral utilized throughout the semester
          • Executive quote and company boilerplate within 1 press release submitted through Cision, potential audience of 10.5 Million
          • 2 Exclusive Social Media Posts highlighting your company and its sponsorship of the SMP Program. *WIT has more than 300,000 followers on LinkedIn alone
          • 1 Company Feature Videos promoting your company brand along with your partnership of the SMP Program

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to participate in the interviewing process to select candidates for this program
          • Opportunity to mentor 
          • Opportunity to hire 3 Single Mothers 
          • 2 tickets to attend graduation


          Investment covers: tuition, childcare, lunch, professional development workshops, transportation, laptops, & books for 3 Single Mothers

          Request an invoice


          Baccalaureate Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • Company boilerplate within 1 press release submitted through Cision, potential audience of 10.5 Million
          • 1 Exclusive Social Media Posts highlighting your company and its sponsorship of the SMP Program. *WIT has more than 300,000 followers on LinkedIn alone

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to mentor 
          • Opportunity to hire 2 single mothers 
          • 1 ticket to attend graduation


          • Investment covers: tuition, childcare, lunch, professional development, workshops, transportation, laptops, & books for 2 Single Mothers

          Request an invoice


          Scholar Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • 1 Exclusive Social Media Posts highlighting your company and its sponsorship of the SMP Program. *WIT has more than 300,000 followers on LinkedIn alone

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to mentor 
          • Opportunity to hire 1 single mother 
          • 1 ticket to attend graduation


          • Investment covers: tuition, childcare, lunch, professional development workshops, transportation, laptops, & books for 1 Single Mother

          Request an invoice


          Book Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • Logo placement a kick-off event and book distribution
          • Brand recognition for all impact offerings (ex, lunch funding/transportation, etc.)

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to mentor
          • 1 ticket to attend the Graduation Ceremony


          • Investment covers the Cyber and IT Fundamentals books for 30 single mothers

          Request an invoice


          Graduation Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company logo on SMP webpage and linked to company website, receives upwards of 20,000+ views per year
          • Logo placement at the event 
          • Logo collateral on graduation gift packs (optional) 

          Program Involvement

          • Presenter at Graduation Ceremony
          • Opportunity to mentor
          • 2 tickets to attend the Graduation Ceremony


          • Investment covers the cost associated for 30 Single Mothers graduating from the program – Venue, programs, Cap & Gown, WIT SWAG, certificate, etc. 

          Request an invoice


          Workshop Benefits:

          Program Involvement

          • This sponsorship enables you to sponsor 1 single mother through the WIT Single Mothers Program to provide: Emory University Tuition, Equipment, Personal and Professional Development, Transportation, Childcare, Lunch, and more
          • Mentoring – Coach one of the single mothers through her journey in this program
          • Opportunity to hire one of the single mothers who complete the program

          Talent Acquisition

          • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
            • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
          • Able to interview and hire one of our graduated single moms

          Brand Awareness

          • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
          • Logo inclusion in press release, social media posts & announcements (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach on LinkedIn alone is 250k, emails blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)
          • Inclusion in the WIT Awards Program Book

          Access to Event & Networking

          • 1 Company Representative able to attend graduation ceremony for single mothers

          Request an invoice


          Equipment Benefits:

          Brand Awareness

          • Company Name listed on SMP website and link to company website
          • Recognition at equipment distribution

          Program Involvement

          • Opportunity to hand out equipment for 1 class


          • Investment covers necessary computer equipment to take the courses for 30 single mothers

          Request an invoice


          *available only as an add-on to Doctorate, Master’s, or Baccalaureate sponsorship


          Brand Awareness

          • 1 Social Media Posts highlighting your company and its sponsorship of the SMP Program and upcoming ERG event. *WIT has more than 300,000 followers on LinkedIn alone
          • Post event social media post by WIT recapping the event, thank you post
          • 1 highlight article in the WIT Newsletter featuring the ERG event

          Program Involvement

          • Have WIT Office team member and one of our SMP Graduates come in person or virtually to a ERG event to talk about SMP, engagement, the impact, how it changes lives
          • Schedule a volunteer workshop event with company ERG to partake in one of the SMP programming activities: Resume reviews, LI profile review/recommendations, graduation celebration pack assembly, encouragement letter writing campaign, other
          • Logging of philanthropy hours towards annual company goals


          • Increase ERG participation and employee engagement 
          • Investment covers WIT costs for planning, oversight, logistics, materials for each event

          Request an invoice

          WIT Career Fair


          Title Benefits:

          • 1 Premier Company Booth and 1 Premier Networking Booth

          Talent Acquisition

          • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
            • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
          • Includes all attendee data following the event
          • Utilize 4 customized text notifications to reach all attendees throughout the event

          Brand Awareness

          • A minimum of 3 exclusive social media posts
          • Press release with an exclusive quote
          • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
          • WIT provides a custom social media graphic for company to utilize on their personal company pages
          • WIT shares a sponsor created video (30 seconds) that showcases the company’s culture, opportunities, and products/services on our social media platforms

            Request an invoice


            Booth Benefits:

            • 1 Company Booth

            Talent Acquisition

            • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
              • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like
            • Includes all attendee data following the event
            • Utilize 2 customized text notifications to reach all attendees throughout the event

            Brand Awareness

            • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
            • WIT provides a custom social media graphic for company to utilize on their personal company pages
            • A minimum of 2 social media posts highlighting all sponsor level
            • WIT shares a sponsor created video (30 seconds) that showcases the company’s culture, opportunities, and products/services on our social media platforms

              Request an invoice

              WIT Forums & Socials


              Title Benefits:

              Access to Event & Networking

              • 20 Event tickets to monthly Forums/Socials Total Events:
                • 6 Forums virtually and/or in person
                • 2 Socials in person 

              Program Involvement/Thought Leadership

              • Member of the WIT Forum Planning Steering Committee with opportunities to have your company be speakers at our events
              • Opening comments at Forums
              • Opportunities to have one of their company leaders be a speaker at a WIT Event

              ERG Support From WIT

              • WIT to support your companies’ internal Employee Resource Group Programs (ERG)
                • WIT to participate in strategy meetings with you to develop your ERG programs
                • WIT to align WIT speakers for your company internal events
                • Assist your ERG with event topic discussions and workshops
                • help develop special programs and events for your company’s pipeline talent that will enable your top performers to:
                  • Continue to grow
                  • Get better exposure
                  • Sponsorship
                  • Coaching

              Talent Acquisition

              • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
                • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like

              Brand Awareness

              • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
              • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
              • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides
              • Reserved Promo Table at each Forum events
              • Company Marketing Collateral/Gift Distribution
              • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

                Request an invoice 


                Presenting Benefits:

                Access to Event & Networking

                • 15 Event tickets to monthly Forums/Socials Total Events:
                  • 6 Forums virtually and/or in person
                  • 2 Socials in person 

                Program Involvement/Thought Leadership

                • Member of the WIT Forum Planning Steering Committee with opportunities to have your company be speakers at our events
                • Opportunities to have one of their company leaders be a speaker at a WIT Event

                ERG Support From WIT

                • WIT to support your companies’ internal Employee Resource Group Programs (ERG)
                  • WIT to participate in strategy meetings with you to develop your ERG programs
                  • WIT to align WIT speakers for your company internal events
                  • Assist your ERG with event topic discussions and workshops
                  • help develop special programs and events for your company’s pipeline talent that will enable your top performers to:
                    • Continue to grow
                    • Get better exposure
                    • Sponsorship
                    • Coaching

                Talent Acquisition

                • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
                  • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like

                Brand Awareness

                • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
                • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
                • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides
                • Reserved Promo Table at each Forum events
                • Company Marketing Collateral/Gift Distribution
                • Social Media Inclusion (Company advertisements throughout the event, social media where our reach just on LinkedIn alone is 250k, email blasts to our 50k members, website, etc.)

                  Request an invoice


                  Gold Benefits:

                  Access to Event & Networking

                  • 10 Event tickets to monthly Forums/Socials Total Events:
                    • 6 Forums virtually and/or in person
                    • 2 Socials in person 

                  Program Involvement/Thought Leadership

                  • Member of the WIT Forum Planning Steering Committee with opportunities to have your company be speakers at our events

                    Talent Acquisition

                    • Post your open jobs on WIT’s Jobs Board 
                      • Ability to post as many jobs as you would like

                    Brand Awareness

                    • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
                    • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
                    • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides

                      Request an invoice


                      Silver Benefits:

                      Access to Event & Networking

                      • 5 Event tickets to monthly Forums/Socials Total Events:
                        • 6 Forums virtually and/or in person
                        • 2 Socials in person 

                          Brand Awareness

                          • Logo inclusion in WIT eNewsletter
                          • Logo inclusion on WIT website and link to company website
                          • Company Recognition in Presentation Slides

                            Request an invoice